Woods Canyon Trail No. 93

Area Status: Open

The trail begins at the signed trailhead near the Red Rock Visitor Center and District Ranger Station. It is level and unshaded as it follows a jeep road into the wide canyon mouth for 1.25 miles. The road ends and the trail continues, climbing gradually. There are views of the vegetation-covered slopes of mesas on either side. At 2 miles, the trail crosses a small, usually dry streambed with red rock pools, climbs out, passes through a cattle gate, and comes to a signed fork. Hot Loop Trail heads left to the top of Horse Mesa. Take the right fork to continue on Woods Canyon Trail into the canyon.

The Woods Canyon Trail enters Munds Mountain Wilderness and continues its easy climb, passing some redrock formations on the left. It enters the occasional shade of pine and sycamore as it approaches and then follows Dry Beaver Creek. At 3.5 miles, the trail emerges on a picturesque expanse of redrock at the edge of the normally dry creekbed which is studded with huge, gray boulders. Continue on for another 3/4 mile for some nice redrock views as the trail climbs on a moderate grade out of the creekbed. This is a good place to turn around although a path continues further into the canyon. Return by the same route.


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Trails: Woods Canyon No. 93


At a Glance

Open Season: Year-round
Usage: Medium
Closest Towns: Sedona, AZ
Operated By: Red Rock District - 928-203-2900

General Information


Location: 42 miles south of Flagstaff (11.5 miles east of Sedona) in scenic Red Rock Country.

Access: From the Junction of US 89A and 179 in Sedona, head south on 179 and drive about 8.4 miles to Red Rock Ranger District office and visitor center at milepost 304.7. Trailhead is at the southwest corner of the parking lot for the lower administration building.

GPS (Map): 34°45'22.3"N 111°45'48.3"W


  • Red Rock Recreation Guide [PDF]: Info on hiking, biking, camping, and more in Arizona's magnificent Red Rock Country. Download the guide or pick one up at the Red Rock Ranger District Visitor Center.
  • The Digital Travel Map Whether you're driving, hiking, riding, or exploring, you will find this full-color, GPS-enabled map a handy reference to have on your mobile device. The map show trails, recreation sites, major landmarks, and forest roads.
  • Forest Service Topo Map (FSTopo Geo-enable PDF)


Click map thumbnail for larger view.

Woods Canyon Trail Map


General Notes:

This hike can be hot in summer. During spring snow melts, Dry Beaver Creek may be running. The two creek crossings are across side drainages that are shallow and easy when wet.

Rating: Easy

Hiking time: allow 4 to 5 hours round-trip


  • No motor vehicles. Bicycles, unmanned aircraft such as quadcopters ("drones"), and other mechanized equipment are prohibited by federal law in Munds Mountain Wilderness.

Recreation Map

Map showing recreational areas. Map Information


Day Hiking

Horse Riding

Related Information

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities


  Area/Length : 
4.25 miles

  Latitude : 

  Longitude : 

  Elevation : 
3883 at trailhead