Crane Petroglyph Heritage Site

Area Status: Open

This site closes when the temperature is over 100 degrees Fahrenheit or when the roads are impassable.

Red Rock Pass Sold Here!

A Rock Art Legacy from the Southern Sinagua of the Beaver Creek Community

Formerly known as V Bar V Heritage Site, the Crane Petroglyph Heritage Site is the largest known petroglyph site in the Verde Valley, as well as one of the best-preserved. Acquired by the Coconino National Forest in 1994, the site is protected and kept open to the visiting public for their enjoyment and opportunity to learn more about our national cultural heritage. As partners in this effort, both the Verde Valley Archaeological Society and the Friends of the Forest provide interpretive tours and on-site management. The Red Rock Pass Program provides funding for the protection, enhanced amenities and facility maintenance under authority of the National Recreation Enhancement Act of 2005. 

A visitor center and bookstore, operated by the Forest Service and the Arizona Natural History Association, is located about 100 yards from the parking area.

The Beaver Creek Rock Art Style: Rock art is one type of archaeological data that can be used to identify prehistoric cultures and time periods. Various styles of rock art have been identified, based on the kinds of elements, unique elements, relationships between elements, and manufacturing techniques. By making these observations, various rock art styles have been defined for the prehistoric Southwest. One of these styles -- the Beaver Creek Style -- has been identified through the studies of rock art sites in the Beaver Creek area, especially here at Crane Petroglyph Heritage Site. This research has resulted in the definition of the Beaver Creek Style, which is diagnostic of the Southern Sinagua between A.D. 1150 and 1400.

The documentation of the Crane Petroglyph Heritage Site has provided important information for defining important characteristics of the Beaver Creek Style.

Guided tours are provided by both the Verde Valley Archaeological Society and Friends of the Forest during these hours (petroglyph area is fenced and only accessible during regular visiting hours). Please read the Archaeological Site Etiquette Guide to help you better enjoy your visit without causing inadvertent damage to the site.

Take a virtual tour of Crane Petroglyph and other heritage sites.

At a Glance

Current Conditions: Note: This site closes when the temperature is over 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
Operational Hours: Check the Recreation Conditions Report for the latest information. 
  • Current hours are Friday - Monday, 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. (entrance gate closes at 2:30 p.m.)
  • Closed Thanskgiving and Christmas
Area Amenities:
  • Interpretive Site
  • Toilets
Fees: Red Rock Pass or America the Beautiful Pass required on all vehicles parked at our cultural sites. A Red Rock Pass can be purchased from the self-serve vending maching at the Crane Petroglyph Heritage Site.
Usage: Medium-Heavy
Restrictions: Pets are not allowed at our Cultural Sites.
Closest Towns: Camp Verde, AZ
Water: No
Restroom: Vault Toilet
Operated By: Red Rock District - 928-203-2900

General Information


Location: Crane Petroglyph Heritage Site is located 2.8 miles east of the junction of I-17 and SR 179 on FR 618. Watch for the entrance on your right less than one-half mile past the Beaver Creek Day-Use Picnic Area.

GPS (Map): 34°39'55.4"N 111°42'57.8"W


Click on map thumbnail for a larger view.

V-Bar-V Heritage Site Map


General Notes:
  • From the parking lot, take the maintained trail from the visitor's center and parking area approximately a half-mile across a flat field to the petroglyph area.
  • Restroom facilities are available at the visitor's center, and a new vault-type toilet is available near the rock-art site.
  • Please stay away from the ranch buildings to the north of the parking area.
  • Please also leave your pets at home, and don't smoke - in this dry climate, the fire danger is always high.
  • Public water is not available. Bring your own, or you may purchase bottled water from the visitor's center.

Recreation Map

Map showing recreational areas. Map Information


Interpretive Areas

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