Herb Martyr Campground

Area Status: Open

The Herb Martyr trailhead, located near Herb Martyr campgound, is one of the popular birdwatching and overall hiking areas in Cave Creek Canyon.

Though South Fork is known for its trogons, there are plenty of other interesting and rare creatures to encounter here. Over 300 species of birds have been sighted in the Chiricahua Mountains, including the magnificent hummingbird, blue-throated hummingbird and Montezuma quail. Other interesting types of wildlife frequently sighted here include Apache fox squirrels, coatimundis and Coues white-tailed deer. The scenery is quite impressive in this area, too.

Note: High clearance vehicles are strongly recommended. 4WD also beneficial, if available.

At a Glance

Operational Hours: Open year-round. 
Area Amenities:
  • Picnic tables: Yes
  • Tent camping: Yes
  • Fee charged for some activities: Yes
  • Parking: Yes
  • Toilets: Yes
Fees: Single site: $15.  With Golden Age/Access or Interagency Senior/Access pass $7.50. Payable with cash or check.
Usage: Light
Restrictions: Tent camping only
Closest Towns: 150 miles east of Tucson, 11 miles from Portal.
Water: No drinking water is available
Restroom: Yes
Operated By: Douglas Ranger District
Information Center: Douglas Ranger District     520-364-3468

Recreation Map

Map showing recreational areas. Map Information


Campground Camping

General Info:


From Tucson, take I-10 east 139 miles to US 80 (you will cross the New Mexico border to get to this intersection). Turn right (south) and drive 28 miles, then turn right (west) on the road to Portal for 7 miles. From Douglas, take US 80 east approximately 50 miles to Rodeo, NM. Two miles past Rodeo, turn left (west) on Portal Road. From Portal drive west on Forest Road 42 approximately 8 miles to the Southwest Research Center, where you turn left on the Forest Service 42A road and continue 4  miles to the fork in the road. The right fork takes you to the trailhead, left fork to the campground.

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities


  Latitude : 

  Longitude : 

  Elevation : 
5,800 feet