Crescent Lake Boat Launch

Area Status: Closed

Visitors to this site can enjoy a picnic near the beach, with fire rings and a parking area.
This site provides access to Crescent Lake for fishing a variety of fish species, including large lake trout.

Recreation Fee Site: Parking at this site requires a recreation pass. Passes are available at this site, but can also be purchased from Forest Service offices or vendors. Please check here for more information about recreation passes and where they can be purchased.

At a Glance

Area Amenities:
  • Picnic tables
  • Parking
  • Toilets
Fees: Recreation Fee Area: $5/vehicle/day
Usage: Heavy
Water: No
Restroom: Vault Toilet
Passes: Recreation Fee Site: Parking at this site requires a recreation pass. Please check here for more information about recreation passes and where they can be purchased. Acceptable passes include:
Operated By: US Forest Service

General Information



From Crescent, OR: Take Crescent Cut-off Road west 11.9 miles to a "T" intersection.  Turn right onto Highway 58 west (unmarked) and go 3.4 miles to Crescent Lake sign.  Turn left at sign onto Forest Road 60 and follow 2.0 miles and take a right at the Crescent Lake Sno-park and then in .2 of a mile, turn left at the Crescent Lake campground. 

Recreation Map

Map showing recreational areas. Map Information


Lake and Pond Fishing

Boating - Motorized

Boating - Non-Motorized

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities


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