Strawberry Point Campground

Area Status: Closed

Location: 23 miles east of Placerville on Highway 50 and 11 miles north on Ice House Road (Forest Road 3),and (right) 3 miles on Ice House/Wrights Lake Tie Road (Forest Road 32).

Strawberry Point Campground Recreation Opportunity Guide (ROG) - This guide contains information, maps, and directions to assist you in enjoying your trip to the Eldorado National Forest.

At a Glance

Operational Hours: Check in time is 2:00 p.m. Check out time is 1:00 p.m.
Reservations: No Reservations. Sites are available on a first-come,first-served basis.
Rentals & Guides: None
Area Amenities:
  • Camping trailer
  • Picnic tables
  • Tent camping
  • Toilets: vault
Fees: $10
Open Season: May - October
Best Season: Summer
Busiest Season: Summer
  • Single units are limited to 2 vehicles and 6 people per site. An additional fee will be charged for an extra vehicle if the parking spur will accommodate it.
  • Vehicle = Any equipment that is required to be licensed/registered. Includes RVs, trailers, cars/trucks, boat/car trailer, motorcycle/atv, etc. Vehicles parked in a truck or on a trailer are not counted separately.
  • There is no piped water available at the campground. Lake water is available close by but should be boiled before using. Water quality testing is not performed on open water sources.
  • Please keep family pets on a leash at all times.
  • Please use the stove or fire ring provided. Use only dead and down wood for your campfires. Make sure your fire is dead out before leaving.
  • Check ahead. Campfires may not be allowed during fire restrictions.
Closest Towns: Pollock Pines, CA
Water: No
Restroom: Vault
Passes: Interagency Senior and Access passes are accepted for single family units. 
Operated By: USFS
Information Center: At this time Virtual Services are available for the Placerville and Pacific Ranger Districts, Monday – Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm at (530) 644-2324 in Camino year-round and the Crystal Information Station east of Union Valley Reservoir on Ice House Road during the summer.

Recreation Map

Map showing recreational areas. Map Information


Mountain Biking

Ice Bike Trail trailhead is on the entrance road.

Campground Camping

Lake and Pond Fishing

Boating - Motorized

Closest boatramp is at Ice House Campground.

Boating - Non-Motorized

General Info:

General Notes

Groceries and restaurant at Ice House Resort.



Closest boatramp is at Ice House Campground.

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities


  Latitude : 

  Longitude : 

  Elevation : 
5,500 feet