Area Status: Open

Trailhead #066. This is a horse and foot trail that is currently accessed through the lower part of Cottonwood Campground. This rugged trail will lead south west for about the first two miles, then takes a sharp turn to the east through Horse Flat.

At a Glance

Open Season: April
Usage: Light
Restrictions: Travel limited to foot and horse traffic.
Closest Towns: Beaver, Utah
Water: No water available
Restroom: None
Operated By: Forest Service

General Information


Cottonwood Trailhead is located 6.6 miles east of Beaver, Utah, on UT-153. Travel east on UT-153 road for approximately 6.6 miles. Turn right (west) into Little Cottonwood Campground. The Trailhead is at the far end of the campground.


Mountain Biking

Mountain biking.

River and Stream Fishing

Check the Utah Division of Wildlife website for more information on fishing in Utah, along with where to purchase fishing licenses.

Day Hiking



Hiking and Backpacking.

Big Game Hunting

Area open to hunting during Utah state hunting seasons. See Utah Division of Wildlife website for more information on big game hunting.

Small Game Hunting

Area open to hunting during Utah state hunting seasons. See Utah Division of Wildlife website for more information on small game hunting.

XC Skiing/Snowshoeing

Cross country skiing and snowshoeing.



Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities


  Latitude : 

  Longitude : 

  Elevation : 
6400 feet