Area Status: Temporarily Closed

Trailhead. This trailhead provides access to PST #068, one of the most used and popular side trails of the Paiute Trail System.  It is strictly limited for ATVs that are 50" or less. This trail is narrow and very rough in certain areas. Trail PST #068 also provides access to five horse and foot trails in the south Creek drainage.

At a Glance

Operational Hours: Temporarily closed due to the Little Twist Fire. Please see Closure Order: 0408-21-04 for more information. 
Open Season: May
Usage: Light
Restrictions: No camping at the trailhead. The area south of the trailhead on Forest Road #008 is closed to all motor vehicles from January 1 to April 15 for wildlife protection. This trail is strictly limited for ATVs that are 50" or less. This trail is narrow and very rough in certain areas.
Closest Towns: Beaver, Utah
Water: No water available
Restroom: None
Operated By: Forest Service

General Information


The South Creek (Lower) Trailhead is approximately 11.6 miles southeast of Beaver, Utah. From Beaver at the junction of Center Street and Main Street, travel south on Main Street for approximately 1.5 miles. Turn left on the South Creek Road and travel approximately 8.7 miles. Continue on the South Creek road as it becomes FR008 for approximately 1.4 miles.


Dispersed Camping

Dispersed camping.

Day Hiking




Horse Riding

Horse riding trails.

Big Game Hunting

Area open to hunting during Utah state hunting seasons. See Utah Division of Wildlife website for more information on big game hunting.

Small Game Hunting

Area open to hunting during Utah state hunting seasons. See Utah Division of Wildlife website for more information on small game hunting.

OHV Road Riding

The Fishlake National Forest has completed a route designation process as shown on the official Motor Vehicle Use Map (MVUM) dated August 2007.

The State of Utah does not have reciprocity ATV/OHV licensing agreement with other states. To purchase a Non-Resident OHV Permit visit the Utah Department of Natural Resources website.

Help prevent soil erosion and resource damage.

OHV Trail Riding

The Fishlake National Forest has completed a route designation process as shown on the official Motor Vehicle Use Map (MVUM) dated August 2007.

The State of Utah has a reciprocity ATV/OHV licensing agreement with several other states. This link shows a list of states that do not have a reciprocity agreement with Utah. If your state is listed here you must purchase a "Non-Resident Permit".

Help prevent soil erosion and resource damage.

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities


  Latitude : 

  Longitude : 

  Elevation : 
7,400 feet