Trail #207 Truman (Willow Springs #207A)

Area Status: Open
Willows Truman Loop

⚠️ Important Alert: Certain trails and areas on Forest Road 99 are closed Monday through Friday until October 31. Click here for more information about the trail closures and the Spirit Lake Tunnel Outlet Construction, and what trails are not accessible during the construction.

The 5.7 mile Truman Trail #207 immerses you in the area devastated by the 1980 eruption. Looking north, you see log-filled Spirit Lake topped by Mount Margaret. To the south you look upward at Mount St. Helens’ crater and lava dome.

The trail begins at Windy Ridge Interpretive Site and starts by following a road built by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to access the Spirit Lake pumping station after the 1980 eruption. (Shortly after the 1980 eruption the water level in Spirit Lake rose alarmingly, threatening to overtop the debris dam and to send a deluge down the Toutle Valley. To help alleviate this danger, barge-mounted pumps were installed to remove water from the lake. Pumping continued until a 1.7-mile long tunnel could be completed, allowing Spirit Lake to drain into South Coldwater Creek.)

Flanked by ever-growing patches of lupine, Indian paintbrush, and other wildflowers, the trail crosses several streams that originate in the crater.  Wooden marking posts aid you in staying on trail as you travel across the pumice plain and climb the debris avalanche to the junction with Boundary Trail #1 (area is unavailable).

Willow Springs Trail #207A from its junction with Truman Trail #207, offers a loop opportunity. This 0.8-mile trail provides a link to the Loowit Trail #216. You can make a loop of these trails by connecting with the Loowit Trail #216 and the Windy Trail #216E.

Special Conditions: Off trail travel prohibited. No pets or stock. Day-use only. Bicycles are prohibited west of the junction with Abraham Trail #216D.

At a Glance

Current Conditions: 07/11/2024: Forest Road 99 is now open, providing access to the Windy Ridge Viewpoint and other trails in the area. Due to the Spirit Lake Tunnel Outlet construction, the following areas are closed Monday through Friday, but open on weekends and all federal holidays:
  • Windy Ridge Parking Area for just the Construction Staging Area (Closed 7 days a week)
  •  FR 99 Extesion Road from Windy Ridge to TR 207 Truman Trail
  • TR 207 - Truman Trail
    • From TR 216E Windy Trail to TR 1 - Boundary Trail
  • TR 216 D - Plains of Abraham Trail
    • TR 216 Loowit Trail to FR 99 Extention Road
  • TR 216 E - Windy Trail
    • From TR 207 Truman to TR 216 Loowit
  • TR 207A - Willow Springs Trail
    • From TR 216 Loowit to TR 207 Truman
  • TR 1E - Harry's Ridge
  • No fee or pass required, however Windy Ridge Interpretive Site requires $5/vehicle/day or Recreation Pass. See Mount St. Helens Map for fee and payment sites.
  • Johnston Ridge Observatory entrance requires $8 per adult, children 15 and younger free. A Northwest Forest ANNUAL Pass admits one adult.
Usage: Medium
  • Off-trail travel prohibited.
  • Pets, bicycles, horses and stock, and motorized use are prohibited. 
  • Day-use only.
  • Bicycles are prohibited west of the junction with Abraham Trail 216D. See Mount St. Helens Map for site rules.
Closest Towns: Castle Rock, WA; Randle, WA
Operated By: Forest Service
Information Center:

General Information


Windy Ridge Interpretive Site (Forest Road 99)

Boundary Trail #1 via Johnston Ridge Observatory (State Route 504)


Mountain Biking

Day Hiking


Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities


  Area/Length : 
5.7 miles/Willow Springs Trail: 0.8 miles

  Elevation : 
3600' - 4200'