North Fork Valley - Paonia District
This area is around the North Fork of the Gunnison River.
Mountain Biking
Areas for Mountain Biking at North Fork Valley - Paonia District
- Bald Mountain Tie-In #882
- Buck Mesa #804
- Castle Rock Jeep #881
- Clear Fork #810
- Crater Lake #800
- Curecanti #870
- Drift Creek #815
- Dyer Connection #886
- Dyer Creek #888
- Dyke Mountain Bike #838
- Elk Park #800A
- Gooseberry #814
- Inter-Ocean Pass #890
- Jones Creek #812
- Kebler Wagon #606
- Lamborn #894
- Landsend #897
- Little Coal Creek Jeep #883
- Little Elk Basin #892
- Lone Cabin #876
- Mendicant Ridge #884
- Mount Lamborn #895
- Oil Well Mtn. Loop #522.1A
- Piburn #880
- Raggeds Tie-in Trail #823
- Sink Creek #861
- South Dyer Trail #714
- Terror #802
- Thousand Acre Flats #806
- Todd Reservoir Jeep #891
- Todd Reservoir Tie-In #896
- Trail Creek #872
- West Dyer #885
Campground Camping
Areas for Campground Camping at North Fork Valley - Paonia District
- Erickson Springs Campground- Paonia RD
- Lost Lake Campground-Paonia RD
- McClure Campground - Paonia RD
RV Camping
Areas for RV Camping at North Fork Valley - Paonia District
- Erickson Springs Campground- Paonia RD
- Lost Lake Campground-Paonia RD
- McClure Campground - Paonia RD
Group Camping
Dispersed Camping
Areas for Dispersed Camping at North Fork Valley - Paonia District
Lake and Pond Fishing
Areas for Lake and Pond Fishing at North Fork Valley - Paonia District
River and Stream Fishing
Areas for River and Stream Fishing at North Fork Valley - Paonia District
Day Hiking
Areas for Day Hiking at North Fork Valley - Paonia District
- Bald Mountain Tie-In #882
- Beckwith Bench #845
- Beckwith Pass #842
- Buck Mesa #804
- Castle Pass #441
- Castle Rock Jeep #881
- Clear Fork #810
- Cliff Creek #840
- Coal Basin Trail #859
- Crater Lake #800
- Curecanti #870
- Dark Canyon #830
- Dark Canyon/Munsey Tie-in #830A
- Drift Creek #815
- Dyer Connection #886
- Dyer Creek #888
- Dyke Creek #837
- Dyke Mountain Bike #838
- Elk Basin #854
- Elk Park #800A
- Gooseberry #814
- Hoodoo Gap #877
- Hubbard Canyon #704
- Inter-Ocean Pass #890
- Jones Creek #812
- Kaufman Creek #852
- Kebler Wagon #606
- Lamborn #894
- Landsend #897
- Little Coal Creek Jeep #883
- Little Elk Basin #892
- Little Robinson #850
- Lone Cabin #876
- Lone Pine #862
- Low Line #438
- Mendicant Ridge #884
- Moseley Ridge #851
- Mount Lamborn #895
- Munsey Ruby Stock Driveway #831
- Navajo Ridge #857
- North Anthracite #832
- Oh-Be-Joyful Pass #835
- Oil Well Mtn. Loop #522.1A
- Peter Creek #856
- Piburn #880
- Raggeds #820
- Raggeds Tie-in Trail #823
- Robinson Creek #854A
- Ruby Anthracite #836
- Sheep Lake #848
- Sheep Lake Cutoff #855
- Silver Basin #834
- Sink Creek #861
- Soap Creek #443
- South Dyer Trail #714
- Spud Pass #824
- Swampy Pass #439
- Terror #802
- Thousand Acre Flats #806
- Three Lakes #843
- Throughline #860
- Todd Reservoir Jeep #891
- Todd Reservoir Tie-In #896
- Trail Creek #872
- West Dyer #885
Areas for Backpacking at North Fork Valley - Paonia District
- Bald Mountain Tie-In #882
- Beckwith Bench #845
- Beckwith Pass #842
- Castle Pass #441
- Clear Fork #810
- Cliff Creek #840
- Coal Basin Trail #859
- Crater Lake #800
- Curecanti #870
- Dark Canyon #830
- Dark Canyon/Munsey Tie-in #830A
- Drift Creek #815
- Dyke Creek #837
- Elk Basin #854
- Elk Park #800A
- Gooseberry #814
- Hoodoo Gap #877
- Inter-Ocean Pass #890
- Jones Creek #812
- Kaufman Creek #852
- Lamborn #894
- Landsend #897
- Little Elk Basin #892
- Little Robinson #850
- Lone Cabin #876
- Lone Pine #862
- Mendicant Ridge #884
- Moseley Ridge #851
- Mount Lamborn #895
- Munsey Ruby Stock Driveway #831
- Navajo Ridge #857
- North Anthracite #832
- Oh-Be-Joyful Pass #835
- Peter Creek #856
- Piburn #880
- Raggeds #820
- Raggeds Tie-in Trail #823
- Robinson Creek #854A
- Ruby Anthracite #836
- Sheep Lake #848
- Sheep Lake Cutoff #855
- Silver Basin #834
- Sink Creek #861
- Soap Creek #443
- South Dyer Trail #714
- Spud Pass #824
- Terror #802
- Three Lakes #843
- Throughline #860
- Todd Reservoir Jeep #891
- Trail Creek #872
- West Dyer #885
Horse Camping
Areas for Horse Camping at North Fork Valley - Paonia District
- Horse Ranch Park (Dispersed)-Paonia RD
- Overland Reservoir (Dispersed)-Paonia RD
- Throughline/Coal Creek TH (Dispersed)-Paonia RD
Horse Riding
Areas for Horse Riding at North Fork Valley - Paonia District
- Bald Mountain Tie-In #882
- Beckwith Bench #845
- Beckwith Pass #842
- Buck Mesa #804
- Castle Pass #441
- Castle Rock Jeep #881
- Clear Fork #810
- Cliff Creek #840
- Coal Basin Trail #859
- Crater Lake #800
- Curecanti #870
- Dark Canyon #830
- Dark Canyon/Munsey Tie-in #830A
- Drift Creek #815
- Dyer Connection #886
- Dyer Creek #888
- Dyke Creek #837
- Dyke Mountain Bike #838
- Elk Basin #854
- Elk Park #800A
- Gooseberry #814
- Hoodoo Gap #877
- Inter-Ocean Pass #890
- Jones Creek #812
- Kaufman Creek #852
- Kebler Wagon #606
- Lamborn #894
- Landsend #897
- Little Coal Creek Jeep #883
- Little Elk Basin #892
- Little Robinson #850
- Lone Cabin #876
- Lone Pine #862
- Low Line #438
- Mendicant Ridge #884
- Moseley Ridge #851
- Mount Lamborn #895
- Munsey Ruby Stock Driveway #831
- Navajo Ridge #857
- North Anthracite #832
- Oh-Be-Joyful Pass #835
- Oil Well Mtn. Loop #522.1A
- Peter Creek #856
- Piburn #880
- Raggeds #820
- Raggeds Tie-in Trail #823
- Robinson Creek #854A
- Ruby Anthracite #836
- Sheep Lake #848
- Sheep Lake Cutoff #855
- Silver Basin #834
- Sink Creek #861
- Soap Creek #443
- South Dyer Trail #714
- Spud Pass #824
- Swampy Pass #439
- Terror #802
- Thousand Acre Flats #806
- Throughline #860
- Todd Reservoir Jeep #891
- Todd Reservoir Tie-In #896
- Trail Creek #872
- West Dyer #885
OHV Trail Riding
Areas for OHV Trail Riding at North Fork Valley - Paonia District
XC Skiing/Snowshoeing
Areas for XC Skiing/Snowshoeing at North Fork Valley - Paonia District
- Snow Trails - North Fork area
- Corral Gulch Snow Trail
- Mesa Creek Snow Trail
- Meyers Gulch Snow Trail
- Old Mesa Snow Trail
- Ruth Mountain Bypass Snow Trail
- SP Tie In - Stevens Gulch Snow Trail
- Suttons Corral Snow Trail
Areas for Snowmobiling at North Fork Valley - Paonia District