Island Lake Campground - Grand Valley RD

Area Status: Closed
photo of camp sites

 This campground is one of the few in Grand Mesa National Forest not located on a lake. Most of the sites are nestled in a thick grove of mature spruce. A few sites have a panoramic vista of the Grand Valley and several of the lakes below.  There are 41 sites.  The maximum spur length is 60 ft.

The 144-acre Island Lake is located 0.1 miles east of the campground on Forest Rt. 116. The lake has a boat ramp, wheelchair accessible fishing pier and fish cleaning station.

Mosquitoes are plentiful; Repellent is recommended. 

photo of camp sites photo of camp site photo of toilet

At a Glance

Reservations: Reservations can be made at or by calling 1-877-444-6777, TDD 1-877-833-6777. Some sites are first-come, first-served.
Area Amenities:
  • Interpretive Site
  • Camping trailer
  • Picnic tables
  • Tent camping
  • Toilets
  • Parking
  • Fee charged for some activities: $8 day use fee at boat ramp
  • Accessible
  • Boat ramp: $8 day use fee if parking at boat ramp
  • Drinking water
Fees: $26 per night per camping unit; $10 per night electric fee; $10 per firewood bundle. Two vehicles are allowed with a total of 8 people per site. Sites must be occupied the first night and cannot be unoccupied for 24 hours. Not a picnic area. 
Open Season: June 14 - Oct. 1 (weather dependent)
Usage: Heavy
Closest Towns: Mesa, CO or Cedaredge, CO
Water: Potable-pressurized
Restroom: Vault Toilet (3)
Operated By: Concessionaire

General Information


From Cedaredge, Colorado, take State Route 65 north for 15.7 miles to campground sign (Forest Route 116). Turn left at sign onto Route 116 (gravel) and go 1.4 miles to campground sign. Turn left at sign into campground.

General Notes:

There are hiking and OHV trails nearby.

Recreation Map

Map showing recreational areas. Map Information


Campground Camping

No. of Sites 41
Maximum spur length - 60 ft.
Reservation Info Not reservable
No. of Accessible sites None

RV Camping

Lake and Pond Fishing

The 144-acre Island Lake is located 0.1 miles east of the campground on Forest Rt. 116.The lake has a boat ramp, fish cleaning station and a wheel chair accessible fishing pier.

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities


  Latitude : 

  Longitude : 

  Elevation : 
10,300 ft.


log cabin with red roof in meadow surrounded by aspens in leafing out in early spring

Silesca Ranger Station- one of several cabins you can reserve on our forest.

tent in woods

Just about all the shelter you need for a night in the backcountry!

fire in ring with RV in background

RV camping with many of the comforts of home!