Hussy Mountain Horse Campground

Area Status: Closed

This primitive campground offers three group camping loops. Each has parking for 4 or 5 vehicles with trailers, wooden picnic tables, fire rings, hitching rails, garbage containers, and direct access to horse trails.

At a Glance

Current Conditions: Hussy Mountain is closed for the season.
Fees: $7 per vehicle per night.
Permit Info: Horse owners need to have a current negative Coggins test certificate for any horse that they take to a public place for recreational use in Virginia.
Open Season: early-April - late-October
Closest Towns: Speedwell, VA
Water: Drinking water available
Restroom: Vault toilets
Passes: The America the Beautiful Senior and Access Pass provides a 50% discount to the base campsite fee. No other America the Beautiful Interagency passes are valid at this site. 
Operated By: Mount Rogers National Recreation Area: 800-628-7202

General Information

Directions: From I-81: Take Exit 67, 70, or 72 at Wytheville, Virginia onto US 11 (Main Street). On the west end of town, US 11 turns off and Main Street becomes US 21 south. Follow US 21 south for approximately 14.5 miles to Forest Service Road 14 about 3 miles south of Speedwell. Turn left onto FS 14 and follow it east about 2 miles to the campground on your right.

Recreation Map

Map showing recreational areas. Map Information


Horse Camping

No. of Sites 10
Sleeping Shelter No

Horse Riding

Related Information

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities


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