The beginning of the Upper Bristlecone Trail winds through a picturesque forest abundant with fir and large quaking aspen. As you climb out of the canyon, the vegetation becomes sparser due to harsher conditions and shorter growing season found on these more exposed slopes. It is here that you reach the rugged, stands of ancient Bristlecone pines.

After two miles the trail widens and follows the abandoned WPA road. Follow this road for the remainder of the Bristlecone Trail.

The route passes the junction with the Bonanza Trail then descends into a canyon as the Lower Bristlecone Trail. Stay on the abandoned road, pass through a small grove of aspen, and continue on until the roadbed ends at the lower Bristlecone trail head.

Walk south up State Route 156 for ¾ mile to return to the upper parking lot of Lee Canyon Ski Area.

General Information


Upper Bristlecone Trailhead

Travel southwest on State Route 156 for 17 ¼ miles into Lee Canyon until the road dead ends in the upper most parking lot of the Lee Canyon Ski Area. The Upper Bristlecone Trail head is located on the west side of this lot.

Lower Bristlecone Trailhead

Head southwest on State Route 156 for 16 ½ miles into Lee Canyon. Turn right onto Scout Canyon Road 140 ft. north of the McWilliams Campground to reach the trail head. Ample parking is available at this trail head.


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