Aspen Campground

Area Status: Closed

Elevation: 7,490 feet., 45 campsites are available. Campsites can accommodate a 40 foot vehicle. Drinking water is not available. Vault toilets are available. Each campsite has a bear locker. This is Bear Country. Please store food properly and don't feed the bears.

At a Glance

Reservations: No Reservations, Register at Campground.
Fees: $14 per night, $5 per night for each additional vehicle.
Usage: Heavy
Restrictions: Active bear area, bear boxes are provided and must be used (typical bear box size 48" x 30" x 36"). Maximum of 6 people per site and 2 vehicles. Rules and regulations specific to developed campground sites are available at all message information kiosks at the campground. There are currently no group sites in the campground.
Closest Towns: Lee Vining, CA
Water: No
Restroom: Vault Toilet (1)
Operated By: Concessionaire: Vista Recreation

General Information


From Hwy 395 go west on Hwy 120 to Poole Power Plant Road.


Recreation Map

Map showing recreational areas. Map Information


Campground Camping

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities


  Latitude : 

  Longitude : 

  Elevation : 
7,490 ft