Black Fork Trail

Area Status: Open

The Black Fork Trail #5003 (Arapeen Route #95) is 3.4 miles long and provides a connection between Forest Road #52333 and Forest Road #50161 near Black Mountain.  The trail passes through mixed conifer vegetation for most of its length.

Difficulty Level:  More Difficult

At a Glance

Current Conditions: Trail conditions vary widely with weather events and during spring runoff. 
Open Season: May
Usage: Light
Restrictions: Open to:  Hiking, Mountain Biking, Horseback Riding, Off Highway Vehicles (OHV) less than or equal to 50 inches wide.
Closest Towns: Emery, UT
Water: Bring your own water for day trips.
Operated By: Forest Service
Information Center: Ferron/Price Ranger District (435) 384-2372

General Information


From Emery, head west on UT-10/Main Street.  Turn right onto Link Canyon Road #50044 and travel approximately 19.7 miles.  Turn left onto Forest Road #52333 and continue approximately 0.5 miles to Black Fork Trail #5003 located on your left.

General Notes:

Latitude: 39 01' 39.9"N

Longitude: 111 28' 13.6"W

Datum: NAD 83

Position Format: Degrees Minutes Seconds

Recreation Map

Map showing recreational areas. Map Information


OHV Trail Riding

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities


  Area/Length : 
3.4 miles

  Latitude : 

  Longitude : 

  Elevation : 
9400' - 10,200'