Little Bear Trail

Area Status: Open

Located in the Spanish Fork - Scofield Recreation Area on the Manti-La Sal National Forest's Ferron/Price Ranger District, the Little Bear Trail #5301 is 1.6 miles in length and links Forest Road #50009 west of Scofield Reservoir to Forest Road #50122 (Fish Creek Ridge).  These two roads along with Bear Ridge Road #50008 form a popular loop between Scofield Reservoir and North Skyline Drive (Forest Road #50150).  The trail traverses a side slope through sagebrush/grass and oakbrush.

Difficulty Level:  More Difficult

At a Glance

Current Conditions: Trail conditions vary widely with weather events and during spring runoff.  
Open Season: May
Usage: Medium
Restrictions: Open to:  Hiking, Mountain Biking, Horseback Riding, Motorcycle Trail, Riding, ATV Trail Riding, Off Highway Vehicles (OHV) less than or equal to 60 inches wide with four or more low pressure tires.
Closest Towns: Scofield, UT
Water: Drinking water is available in Scofield or Scofield State Park.
Restroom: Facilities are available at Scofield State Park.
Operated By: Forest Service
Information Center: Ferron/Price Ranger District (435) 384-2372

General Information


From Scofield, head south on Front Street.  Turn right onto Church Street and travel approximately 1.1 miles.  Continue onto Scofield Rd for approximately 2.2 miles.  Continue straight onto Fisherman's Loop and travel approximately 0.2 miles.  Continue onto Rainbow Blvd and travel approximately 0.9 miles.  Continue onto Scofield Rd and travel approximately 0.4 miles.  Turn left onto Pondtown Rd/Starvation Springs Road #50009 and travel approximately 1.6 miles.  Turn left onto Fish Creek Road #50122 and travel approximately 0.4 miles to where road ends and trail begins.

General Notes:

Latitude: 39 47' 41.4"N

Longitude: 111 12' 25.1"W

Datum: NAD 83

Position Format: Degrees Minutes Seconds

Recreation Map

Map showing recreational areas. Map Information


OHV Trail Riding

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities


  Area/Length : 
1.6 miles

  Latitude : 

  Longitude : 