Stonyford Recreation Area

[Photograph]: Dirt Bike rider on trail in Fouts area.

The south end of the Grindstone Ranger District offers over 200 miles of some of the most enjoyable and challenging OHV routes in the nation. The "Mendocino OHV Corridor" is a designated 40 mile, east-west route across the south end of the Forest connecting the Stonyford OHV Staging Area and the Upper Lake OHV Staging Area.

The riding area varies in elevation from 1,700 feet (at Fout Springs), to almost 6,000 feet (near Goat Mountain). Vegetation varies from low elevation chaparral to tall pine and fir forest in the high country.

The Grindstone Ranger District is not an OHV "park". Off-highway vehicle recreation is just one of the many uses allowed on National Forest lands. Please be considerate of others you may encounter in the forest.


High Resolution Stonyford Area Motor Vehicle Opportunity Guide (PDF 20.1 MB)

Closeup of an OHV rider in Stonyford Recreation Area Accessible sign overlooking Letts Lake in Stonyford Four bikers in Stonyford Recreation ATV driving through snow in Stonyford Recreation Area

Recreation Map

Map showing recreational areas. Map Information


Campground Camping

Areas for Campground Camping at Stonyford Recreation Area

RV Camping

Areas for RV Camping at Stonyford Recreation Area

Group Camping

Areas for Group Camping at Stonyford Recreation Area

Lake and Pond Fishing

Areas for Lake and Pond Fishing at Stonyford Recreation Area

River and Stream Fishing

Areas for River and Stream Fishing at Stonyford Recreation Area


Backpacking is the perfect way to visit some very beautiful and unique areas in remote locations such as the Snow Mountain Wilderness. Please remember to bring adequate gear and supplies, and remember to check the weather before you strike out on the trail.

Hours of Operation:
Rental info:

Areas for Backpacking at Stonyford Recreation Area

Horse Camping

Areas for Horse Camping at Stonyford Recreation Area

Horse Riding

OHV Camping

The off-road motor vehicle opportunities in the Stonyford area consist of over 200 miles of OHV trails. Designated OHV campgrounds are connected to the OHV trail system and require fees however the OHV Staging areas are for day use parking only and do not require a fee.

General Info:

General Notes

Staying on the designated trail system is a must. Check the appropriate map of the area to ensure you are staying on the designated trail system. There is a hefty fine for going off trail, it is punishable by a fine of not more than $5000.00 for an individual or $10,000.00 for an organization, or imprisonment for no more than six months, or both. All of the trails on the forest are two way, keep a look out for oncoming traffic, tractors and heavy equipment. Watch out for other riders. When in doubt, take time to think and look the situation over before you proceed. You are responsible to know rules and regulations. All provisions of the California Vehicle Code and Federal regulations are enforced.

The speed limit is 15 mph within 50 feet of a campground, campsite, or concentration of people or animals. California's Basic Speed Law applies: Don't drive faster than is safe for conditions. You may not drive a motor vehicle on a trail (CVC 38305) or a highway (CVC 22350) at a speed greater than is reasonable or prudent and in no event at a speed that endangers the safety of other persons or their property.

All California Vehicle Code laws pertaining to driving under the influence or open containers of alcohol apply to off-road. DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE.

Motor vehicles must stay out of vegetated areas. Stay on trails and obey all signs.

No person under age 18 shall operate an ATV on public lands unless satisfying one of the following conditions:

  • They are taking a prescribed safety training course under the direct supervision of a certified all-terrain vehicle safety instructor.
  • They are in possession of an appropriate ATV safety certificate issued by this state or issued under the authority of another state.
  • They are under the direct supervision of a parent or guardian, or an adult authorized by the parent or guardian, who is in possession of an appropriate ATV safety certificate issued by this state or issued under the authority of another state.
  • In addition, riders under the age of 14 must either possess an ATV safety certificate or the adult supervising the rider must possess an ATV safety certificate.
    NOTE: No matter who possesses the ATV safety certificate, all riders age 14 and under must be supervised by an adult.
  • Riders age 14-17 may ride without adult supervision, but must possess an ATV safety certificate.

All ATV riders must wear a helmet. OHV's must have a U.S. Forest Service Approved Spark Arrestor in good working order in place at all times.

Please help us be good stewards of the land by staying on the trails and riding responsibly! We all must minimize our impacts in the outdoors. It is important for everyone to have the opportunity to enjoy California’s diverse and spectacular public lands, but to do so in a responsible manner, allowing our grandchildren and their children to enjoy them as we have. Remember, your chance to ride depends on good resource management and the continued support of the many OHV users who ride. Do not be the reason trails get shut down

Areas for OHV Camping at Stonyford Recreation Area

OHV Trail Riding

The Forest Service in cooperation with the State of California Off-Highway Vehicle Fund, (Green Sticker), has developed roads, trails, and facilities for further enjoyment of the OHV user. Remember, these are your facilities and OHV funds are being used to develop and maintain them. OHV information and maps have been updated and are available. Please contact the Forest Service Office closest to your visit to obtain map.

Hours of Operation:
Rental info:

Areas for OHV Trail Riding at Stonyford Recreation Area


Areas for Picnicking at Stonyford Recreation Area

Boating - Non-Motorized

Areas for Boating - Non-Motorized at Stonyford Recreation Area


Areas for Swimming at Stonyford Recreation Area

Related Information

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities


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