Pine Ridge Recreation Area

Area Status: Open
Family enjoy outdoors at pine ridge campground facility

This campground and day use area is located in a pine forest. The short-leaf pine surrounding the area was planted by the CCC in the 1930’s.

This is popular spot for visitors using the 36-mile Cedar Creek Trail to stop for the night.

A large field in the day use area is perfect for tossing around a frisbee.

At a Glance

Operational Hours: Campers only in campground after 10:00 PM. Quiet Hours: 10 p to 6 am
Reservations: First come, first served
Area Amenities:
  • Camping trailer: Yes
  • Picnic tables: Yes
  • Tent camping: Yes
  • Parking: Day Use: 6 vehicles
  • Toilets: Yes
  • Accessible: Some features and amenities are accessible
  • Drinking water: Yes
Fees: Camping is $15/Night
Usage: Light-Medium
  • Dogs must be on a 6 foot leash in the campground.
  • Fireworks are prohibited.
  • Campsite parking allows for two vehicles per site.
  • Park only in designated parking areas.
  • No more than 8 people are permitted at single sites.
  • Only collect dead and downed wood for campfires.
  • No camping in the day use area.
Closest Towns: Fulton, New Bloomfield, Columbia
Water: Drinking Water
Restroom: Vault
Operated By: USDA Forest Service
Information Center: Houston/Rolla/Cedar Creek Ranger District
Email | Phone and Address

General Information


From New Bloomfield,

  • head west on Route J for 1 mile;
  • Where Route J splits with Route MM, turn right/north to stay on Route J towards Guthrie and travel for 2.7 miles;
  • Then turn left/west onto Route Y and travel for 2.6 miles.
  • The campground will be on your right.


Tables, toilet, grills, and lantern posts are accessible.

Recreation Map

Map showing recreational areas. Map Information


Mountain Biking

There is a trailhead for the Cedar Creek Trail in the back of the day use area.

Cedar Creek Trail – 36 miles

The 36-mile long Cedar Creek trail has four loops open for mountain biking, horseback riding, and hiking.

The trail meanders through the oak hickory forest and tallgrass prairie and has multiple trailheads for shorter segments for day hikers. The Southern Loop crosses 22 miles of pastoral countryside with cross-country sections. The Smith Creek Loop covers 5 miles with views of Cedar Creek from bluffs above.

The mile long Pine Ridge section passes through Pine Ridge Recreation area and is managed for foot and mountain bike use only. Lastly the Moon Loop section is approximately 7 miles in length.

Campground Camping

This quiet campground in the pine forest has eight individual campsites, each with its own table, fire ring, lantern post and grill. There is a dumpster located in the campground.

No. of Sites Single: 8

RV Camping

Can accommodated up to 34' RVs. No hookups available at this location. This quiet campground in the pine forest has eight individual campsites, each with its own table, fire ring, lantern post and grill. There is a dumpster located in the campground.

No. of Sites Single: 8
Size Restrictions
  • Two sites can accommodate up to 34’ RVs.
  • Six sites can accommodate RVs less than 34’
Vehicle Clearance No restrictions
Pavement Type of Parking Asphalt

Group Camping

Sites each have their own table, fire ring, lantern post and grill.

No. of Sites Group: 2

Day Hiking

There is a trailhead for the Cedar Creek Trail in the back of the day use area.

Cedar Creek Trail – 36 miles

The 36-mile long Cedar Creek trail has four loops open for mountain biking, horseback riding, and hiking.

The trail meanders through the oak hickory forest and tallgrass prairie and has multiple trailheads for shorter segments for day hikers. The Southern Loop crosses 22 miles of pastoral countryside with cross-country sections. The Smith Creek Loop covers 5 miles with views of Cedar Creek from bluffs above.

The mile long Pine Ridge section passes through Pine Ridge Recreation area and is managed for foot and mountain bike use only. Lastly the Moon Loop section is approximately 7 miles in length.


There is a trailhead for the Cedar Creek Trail in the back of the day use area.

Cedar Creek Trail – 36 miles

The 36-mile long Cedar Creek trail has four loops open for mountain biking, horseback riding, and hiking.

The trail meanders through the oak hickory forest and tallgrass prairie and has multiple trailheads for shorter segments for day hikers. The Southern Loop crosses 22 miles of pastoral countryside with cross-country sections. The Smith Creek Loop covers 5 miles with views of Cedar Creek from bluffs above.

The mile long Pine Ridge section passes through Pine Ridge Recreation area and is managed for foot and mountain bike use only. Lastly the Moon Loop section is approximately 7 miles in length.


There are four picnic sites available, each with a table and grill.

No. of Sites Single: 4

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities


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