Cedar Bluff trailhead

Area Status: Open

Cedar Bluff Trail is a 1.5-mile loop trail in the Lane Spring Recreation Area. It climbs the hillside a rocky cedar glad and view of Little Piney Creek are possible.

If you've never seen an Ozarks "glade", you'll enjoy visiting the rocky meadow at the top, surrounded by cedar trees for which the trail is named.

This trail starts at the northern part of the recreation area and winds it’s way up to the top of the bluff. It is a fairly steep, windy, narrow trail and there are many roots and rocks.

At the top of the bluff you’ll be able to see the Little Piney River and adjacent bluffs. In the Summer you will not see as far or as much due to the vegetation leafing out.

The bottom of the trail that comes back out in the Recreation area of Lane Spring can have standing water after a heavy rain in spots.

At a Glance

Current Conditions: assessment from flooding being completed
Operational Hours: Day use only
Area Amenities:
  • Fee charged for some activities: Yes
  • Parking: Day Use: multiple parking lots that can fit 75 vehicles total
  • Toilets: Yes
  • Accessible: Some amenities and features are accessible
  • Drinking water: Yes
Fees: Day Use
  • Per car: $2/day
Open Season: January - December
Usage: Light
Restrictions: On the Trail
  • Hiking is permitted.
  • No motorized vehicles, horses or bikes are permitted.
At the Trailheads
  • No overnight camping in day use areas at any time of year.
  • Dogs must be on a 6 foot leash in the day use area
  • Fireworks are prohibited.
Closest Towns: Rolla
Water: Drinking Water
Restroom: Vault
Passes: Pass information can be found on the Passes and Permits page of the website.
Operated By: USDA Forest Service
Information Center: Houston/Rolla/Cedar Creek Ranger District
Email | Phone and Address

General Information


From Rolla, MO

  • go 12 miles south on Hwy 63;
  • turn right/west onto Forest Road 1892 (marked by entrance sign). Follow this road 1.5 miles to recreation area where the road dead ends.


Winter Use

The trail is still available for use when the gate to Lane Springs is closed. You will need to park at the small parking area provided next to the gate at the top of the hill.


Vault toilet

General Notes:


  • During temperate months, be prepared for biting insects, poison ivy and high temperatures.
  • Be aware of hunting seasons.

For more safety tips visit the Safety section of the website.

Recreation Map

Map showing recreational areas. Map Information


Day Hiking

Cedar Bluff Trail begins near the pavilion in the picnic area at the Lane Spring Recreation Area (look for the sign). The trail is mostly wooded, and steep in some places. At its highest point, the trail offers a view of Little Piney Creek. Cedar Bluff trail is a 1.5- mile loop which returns to the picnic area.

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities


  Area/Length : 
1.5 miles

  Latitude : 

  Longitude : 