Art Loeb Trailhead, Davidson River

Area Status: Open


At a Glance

Fees: none
Open Season: Year-round
Usage: Heavy
Water: none
Restroom: none
Operated By: US Forest Service

General Information

Directions: Leaving the Pisgah District Ranger Station/Visitor Center parking lot, turn left on US 276. Go approximately ΒΌ mile and turn right onto the Davidson River Campground access road; immediately turn left and park in the Art Loeb Trailhead parking lot. Go behind the gate at the end of the parking lot and follow the dirt road to a footbridge on the right. Cross the Davidson River via the bridge and immediately turn left alongside the river, downstream. (Disregard the informal trail that leads away from the river to the Job Corps Center.) The other end of this section of the Art Loeb Trail is at Gloucester Gap, where overnight parking is not recommended.


Day Hiking

Interpretive Areas