Farlow Gap Trail #106

Area Status: Open

3.1 miles one way - Difficult - From Daniel Ridge Trail, this trail starts with a moderate climb as it contours around Fork River Ridge and Daniel Ridge. From there to Farlow Gap, the trail becomes steep with several switchbacks. Though it may be tempting at times, please do not leave the main trail, because shortcutting switchbacks causes erosion. The trail is very strenuous at times, and its tread has tree roots and loose rocks along much of its length. However, it has great variety in scenery and vegetation. You will cross several streams and three ridges (the crossings of Shuck Ridge Creek and the Right Fork of the Davidson River are difficult). You will also move from a forest of cove hardwoods, such as yellow poplar and red oak, to an upland hardwood forest of oak, black gum and red maple. Small waterfalls, cascades, and an old mica mine near the trail below Farlow Gap are points of interest.

Approximate Elevation Change: 1,300 feet
Blaze: Blue

At a Glance

Open Season: Year-round
Usage: Heavy
Restrictions: Mountain Biking Trail: Mountain biking and hiking trail. Bikers please yield to hikers. Mountain biking prohibited in wilderness areas.This trail connects the Daniel Ridge Loop (#105), which is open to biking, with the Art Loeb National Recreation Trail, Section 2 (#146(2)), which is not open to biking. The information below assumes that one is using the trail westward, from Daniel Ridge Loop to the Art Loeb Trail at Farlow Gap.
Water: yes
Restroom: none
Operated By: US Forest Service

General Information

Directions: From the Pisgah District Ranger Station/Visitor Center parking lot, turn right (north) onto US 276, proceed 3½ miles and turn left on FS 475 (signed for the Pisgah Center for Wildlife Education and Pisgah Forest Fish Hatchery). Proceed approximately 1½ mile to fish hatchery, then approximately 4 miles past it (beyond the Cove Creek Group Camping Area) to a gated road on the right with a large parking area; do not block the gate with your vehicle. Behind the gate, stay on a gravel road for 100 yards, and cross the Davidson River via the concrete bridge. Shortly thereafter, the Daniel Ridge Loop starts to your left. The trail parallels the Davidson River for ½ mile, and then turns sharply to the right and up Lanning Branch. You will climb moderately for almost one mile before intersecting the Farlow Gap Trail, which will join from the left.


Mountain Biking

Day Hiking