Coontree Loop Trail #144

3.7 mi - Moderate - This is a popular loop trail at all times of the year. There is seasonal mountain bike use on the east side of the trail from October 15 through April 15 only. The start of the trail is flat, and the actual loop begins 300 yards from the trailhead. Most choose to travel counterclockwise because of the grades. The right side follows a small branch most of the way before climbing to Coontree Gap and an intersection with the Bennett Gap Trail. Turn left here, keeping in mind that the two trails overlap for almost 1 mile. There is a steep grade as you climb up the shoulder of Coontree Mountain. In a shallow gap just before reaching the tip, the Coontree Gap Trail drops steeply to the left. The trail continues down at a generally steep grade, crossing Coontree Creek several times before returning to the trailhead.

Approximate Elevation Change: 1000 feet
Blaze: Blue

At a Glance

Open Season: Year-round
Usage: Heavy
Restrictions: Hiking Trail: Foot traffic (sections open seasonally to mountain bike use October 15-April 15).
Water: yes
Restroom: none
Operated By: US Forest Service

General Information

Directions: From the Pisgah District Ranger Station/Visitor Center parking lot, turn right (north) onto US 276; proceed 3 miles to the Coontree Picnic Area on US 276. The trail starts across the road from the picnic area.


Mountain Biking

Day Hiking