Andy Cove Nature Trail #288

Area Status: Open

0.7 mi - Easy - First time visitors should take advantage of this nature trail, which is an easy walk for all ages. Several interpretive signs along the way point out common plants, trees and animals which can be found in the Pisgah Ranger District. By walking along boardwalks, over bridges, and even across a 30-foot long suspension bridge, you can learn about mountain laurel, rhododendron, and raccoons. The beauty of this trail changes with the seasons and the weather, so many people walk it several times each year. Come see the rhododendron blooms in July, eat sweet raspberries in August or admire the fall colors in October. Be sure to make the Andy Cove Nature Trail one of your stops when you visit the Pisgah Ranger District.

Approximate Elevation Change: 55 feet
Blaze: None

At a Glance

Open Season: Year-round
Usage: Heavy
Restrictions: Hiking Trail: foot traffic only.
Water: yes
Restroom: none
Operated By: US Forest Service

General Information

Directions: This loop trail leaves from the Pisgah District Ranger Station/Visitor Center parking lot, located on US 276. A gray and black wooden sign marks the trailhead, but the trail may be hiked in either direction.


Day Hiking

Hiking Only
Difficulty Level: Easy