Horse Cove Gap Trail #325

0.8 mi - Moderate - This is a short, but fairly steep connector trail, which enables some long loops for all users. This trail will take you through a nice stand of cove hardwoods, made up mostly of yellow poplar and oak. In the winter, you can see some of the distant peaks to the west, including Black Mountain. Otherwise this is just a pleasant trail through the woods with no views. The trail ends at Horse Cove Gap on the Squirrel Gap Trail (#147). Horse Cove Gap, Cantrell Creek and Squirrel Gap trails should be avoided by bikes and horses during wet weather, because extreme damage to trail surfaces will occur due to vulnerable soil types and steep side slopes.

Approximate Elevation Change: 800 feet
Blaze: Orange

At a Glance

Open Season: Year-round
Usage: Heavy
Restrictions: Multiple-use Trail: Hiking, mountain bike and equestrian use trail. Motorized use prohibited. Mountain bikes are prohibited in wilderness areas.
Water: no
Restroom: none
Operated By: US Forest Service

General Information

Directions: Follow South Mills River Trail (#133) for 4 miles to Cantrell Creek Trail (#148). Turn onto Cantrell Creek Trail and the Horse Cove Gap Trail intersects in 1 mile.


Mountain Biking

Day Hiking

Horse Riding