Middle Fork Teanaway Trail #1393
The Middle Fork Teanaway Trail begins at Forest Road 4305-113 and ends at Paris Creek Trail #1393.1.
For most of its 12 miles, this trail has a fairly moderate grade, but there are approximately 17 river crossings that can make travel difficult, particularly during high water. From the trailhead and river crossing 1, the trail follows an old road up the valley through meadows and groups of trees. It crosses the river several times and due to seasonal shifts in the river course, may be hard to locate. At approximately 4 miles, the trail intersects with Way Creek Trail 1235, the valley narrows, and the trail enters thicker fir and pine forest. It continues on another 3 miles to a junction with Jolly Creek Trail 1355. Beyond Jolly Creek, the trail steepens and continues up the valley past Johnson Medra Trail 1383; at times it is some distance above the river. At about the 10-mile point, the trail reaches the old Skookum Mine site (the old road bed, which appears intermittently up to this point, ends). Beyond the Skookum Mine, the trail passes through some meadows and soon hits the junction with DeRoux Spur Trail 1392.1, beyond which it takes a left, heads up into a meadowy basin ascends some steep switchbcks and effectively ends on the ridgetop, where it becomes Paris Creek Trail 1393.1
At a Glance
Current Conditions: | Seasonal motorized closure in effect yearly snow fall through June 15. If conditions permit, this trail may be opened to motorized use prior to June 15 and will be posted open at that time both on the ground and on this site. |
Operational Hours: | June - October Seasonal motorized closure in effect yearly snowfall through June 15. If conditions permit, this trail may be opened to motorized use prior to June 15 and will be posted open at that time both on the ground and on this site. |
Fees: | Trailhead is located in Teanaway Community Forest managed by Washington State Department of Natural Resources. Washington State Discover Pass required for vehicles at trailhead. |
Usage: | Light-Medium |
Closest Towns: | Cle Elum Ellensburg |
General Information
Parking:Parking in Teanaway Community Forest managed by Washington State Department of Natural Resources.
All vehicle must display a Washington State Discover Pass
From I-90 Exit 85, take Highway 970 about 6 miles east of Cle Elum, turn north onto the Teanaway Road and follow 7 miles it to an intersection just past the first bridge crossing of the Teanaway River. Take a left and follow the road to the next intersection, then turn right onto the Middle Fork Teanaway Road. Follow it about 5 miles (pavement gives way to gravel) to where the road crosses a bridge over the Middle Fork. The trailhead is just past the bridge.
Mountain Biking
Day Hiking
Difficulty Level: | Moderate |
Difficulty Level: | Moderate |
Horse Riding
OHV Trail Riding
Difficulty Level: | Difficult |