Rio En Medio Trail #163

Area Status: Closed

The Rio en Medio Trail #163 is closed from the small Rio en Medio Trailhead to Aspen Ranch.  Parking at the Rio en Medio Trailhead is also closed.  Access to the Forest is now from Aspen Ranch Trailhead or from Pacheco Canyon Road.  Monsoon rains have caused flash flooding in the burned area, and the trail has been washed away, replaced with deep erosion canyons filled with log jams and boulders.  The route is not easy or safe for hikers, as there is no longer a defined trail.  Steep dangerous drop offs to boulders and rock jams along the vertical canyon walls take the place of the trail.

Long term repair plans for the Rio en Medio trail will likely be through a new trailhead along Pacheco Canyon Road as the West access point.  Do not park at the previous en Medio Trailhead.  The small lot is now used for emergency parking for residents who lost their driveways in the flood, and as a turn around for heavy equipment used for repairs.  The former parking lot is blocked for all other vehicles making turn around very difficult in this narrow corridor. 

At a Glance

Current Conditions: The Rio en Medio Trail 163 was washed out from the  Rio en Medio Trailhead to Aspen Ranch during the summer Monsoons of 2022.  No longer a safe or easy route. Do not park in the small en Medio Trailhead.  There is no longer trail access and the community of Rio en Medio needs that space for emergency parking for residents who lost their driveways due to flooding. The space is also needed for a turn around for heavy repair equipment. 

Recreation Map

Map showing recreational areas. Map Information


River and Stream Fishing

Day Hiking

Horse Riding

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities


  Area/Length : 
6.7 miles

  Latitude : 

  Longitude : 