Bee Canyon OHV Road 5S07

Area Status: Open
Image of brown RS-095 All-Terrain Trail sign

4.1 mile BEE Canyon OHV Road runs from just north of SR 74 (east of Cranston Fire Station) to the junction with San Jacinto Ridge OHV Road 5S09 routes open to all vehicles. Vehicle registration or green/red sticker required for Off Highway Vehicles.

Maps of OHV routes are avaliable at the Idyllwild Ranger Station

At a Glance

Current Conditions: Bee Canyon was cleaned up January 11, 2025.  Please do your part and pack out trash, no dumping. Violators will be cited. 
Restrictions: CA State Parks OHV Must have current registration and operating spark arrestor. You are required by the California Vehicle Code to have a spark arrester, maintained and in effective working order, whenever you are operating your OHV on any forest-covered land, brush-covered land, or grass-covered land.
Closest Towns: Hemet
Water: No
Restroom: No
Information Center:
San Jacinto Ranger District
54270 Pine Crest
P.O. Box 518
Idyllwild, CA 92549

General Information

General Notes:

Recreation Map

Map showing recreational areas. Map Information


OHV Road Riding

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities


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