Silverwood Lake State Recreation Area

Area Status: Open
Seal of the California Department of Parks and Recreation

Call the park office at 1-760-389-2303 for current information or visit their website. In the oak woodlands surrounding the lake look for acorn woodpeckers, western bluebirds, and ground squirrels. In the ponderosa pines high above Lake Silverwood look for juncos, mountain chickadees, and Steller's jays.

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At a Glance

Current Conditions: Silverwood Lake State Recreation Area
Pacific Crest Trail Logo
No Bicycles on the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT)!
Information Center: 1-760-389-2281

General Information

Directions: Take Hwy. 138 East exit from I-15 in Cajon Pass.

Recreation Map

Map showing recreational areas. Map Information


Lake and Pond Fishing

Viewing Wildlife

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities


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