Burden Fall Wilderness

Area Status: Open

Burden Falls Wilderness is located in Pope County. The Wilderness is located adjacent to Bay Creek Wilderness and is in a stone's throw of Bell Smith Springs Recreation Area.Burden Falls Wilderness is comprised of a central hardwood ecosytem with some pine plantations. Trails for hiking and equestrian use will take you by some indications of past use by people including homestead, fruit trees, cemeteries and abandoned roads. Of course, there is a small, but very scenic waterfall located on the southern edge of the wilderness.

At a Glance

Restrictions: WARNING! Hunting is popular within wilderness areas during designated seasons. Backpacking and horseback riding is not recommended during Illinois Hunting Season.  All wilderness users should exercis good otudoor ethics, which include; brtinging a compass, appropriate maps, drinking water and "Leave no Trace" practices.  Campers are encouraged to register with the nearest Ranger District.
Closest Towns: Closest Medical Facility: Harrisburg Medical Center
100 Hospital Dr. (P.O. Box 428)
Harrisburg, IL 62946
(618) 253-7671
Information Center: Parking, Trail Heads and Directions: Limited parking along Forest Road 402:
State Hwy. 145 to junction with Forest Rd. 447, West to Forest Rd. 402
State Hwy.45 to Stone Fort, IL. Southeasterly on county roads.

General Information

General Notes:

Maps and Guides

Burden Falls Wilderness Quest

Recreation Map

Map showing recreational areas. Map Information


Day Hiking


Horse Riding

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities


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