Clear Springs Wilderness
Located on the west side of the Shawnee National Forest, Clear Springs Wilderness is one of the largest designated wildernesses in Illinois. With elevations ranging from 400 feet to over 900 feet, the Wilderness is generally regarded as having rough and steep terrain, with narrow ridgetops, steep slopes and scenic creeks along the valleys. Trails for hiking and equestrians lead through areas where visitors can see evidence of old homesteads before it was part of the Shawnee National Forest, such as old stone foundations from homes, fruit trees, abandoned roads, and old family cemeteries.
Clear Springs Wildernsess lies adjacent to Bald Knob Wilderness to the south and LaRue-Pine Hills/Otter Pond Research Natural Area to the west and pristine waters of Hutchins Creek running through it.
At a Glance
Area Amenities: |
General Information
General Notes:Size and History:
Clear Springs Wilderness was designated as a wilderness area by the Illinois Wilderness Act of 1990 (PL101-633)
4730 Total Acres.
Parking, Trail Heads and Directions:
Parking and Trail heads are availabe along Forest Road 236 (Pine Hills Road): US Hwy. 3 to Wolf Lake, IL, then East along State Forest Road to Forest Road 236. Then North.
State Hwy. 127 to State Forest Road. West to Forest Road 236. Then North.