Lower McCloud River (below McCloud Dam)
Species Present: Rainbow and Brown Trout
Seasons: McCloud River from McCloud Dam to confluence of Ladybug Creek. Last Saturday in April through November 15. Artificial lures only with barbless hooks. Bag limit: two fish. McCloud River from the confluence with Ladybug Creek to the lower boundary of the U.S. Forest Service loop (southern boundary of Section 36, T38N, R3W). Last Saturday in April through November 15, artificial lures only with barbless hooks. Bag limit: Zero. California Department of Fish and Game Fishing Regulations
Please note: The area below AH-DI-NA campground is private property. Please respect the rights of the property owners.
Camping: All developed campgrounds along the McCloud River are on a first-come, first-served basis and have a 14-day stay limit.
The 11 Road is Closed due to road base degradation.
At a Glance
Current Conditions: | Please stay safe while near the McCloud River. Public Notice from PG&E: Due to the increase in inflows from snow melt and a current maintenance outage occurring at James B. Black Powerhouse, PG&E will be initiating a spill at McCloud Dam. Flows downstream of McCloud Dam are approximately 420 cfs as measured at Ah-Di- Na (MC-1.) During the spill, flows are expected to rise to approximately 1,000- 1,200 cfs. |