Haley's Ferry Boat Ramp: (409) 625-1940

Area Status: Open
Air boat getting cleaned at Haley's Ferry Boat Ramp on the Sabine National Forest.

Haley's Ferry boat ramp, located on the northern end of the 185,000-acre Toledo Bend Reservoir, is maintained and operated by the Sabine River Authority of Texas. Completed in 1996, this boat ramp offers access to the reservoir throughout the year. The reservoir is administrated by the Sabine River Authority of Texas and Louisiana.

At a Glance

Area Amenities:
  • Tent camping: Dispersed camping
  • Parking: Parking lot at the boat ramp
  • Toilets: Vault toilet available at the boat ramp
  • Accessible: Accessible ramp available
  • Boat ramp: Concrete boat ramp
Fees: DAY-USE FEE - $2.00 per vehicle, per day.

General Information


From Center follow Highway 87 for 4 miles to Shelbyville; left (east) on FM417 for 1.3 miles, stay right at FM 2694 for 12 miles; right (south) onto FM 3172 for 1 mile; left (east) onto FS100 (SHB 2690) for 2 miles to ramp entrance sign on the right.


Recreation Map

Map showing recreational areas. Map Information


Dispersed Camping

Lake and Pond Fishing

Boating - Motorized

Launch Ramps Concrete

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities


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