Sheeps Bridge
On the banks high above the river stands a replica of the Verde River Sheep Bridge. The Flagstaff Sheep Company and the Howard Sheep Company constructed the original bridge to minimize the loss of sheep when crossing the river. The bridge was started in 1943 and finished in 1944 at a cost of $7,277. The material used came from an Arizona mine and from a railroad line. On November 21, 1978, Sheep Bridge was entered into the National Register of Historic places. Sheep Bridge is the gateway to the west side of the Mazatzal Wilderness.
At a Glance
Operational Hours: | Year Round |
Open Season: | Year round |
Restrictions: | Stay limit 14 days, motor boats and trailers prohibited. Caution: Water levels fluctuate seasonally and the river can run with great velocity. Do not cross flooded roadways. Pack it in pack it out. No toilet. Practice minimum impact by bringing a portable potty and disposing of the wastes properly. Road to Sheeps Bridge is rocky and technical, 4X4 and off-roading experience advised. |
Closest Towns: | Cave Creek & Carefree |
Water: | Not Available |
Restroom: | Not Available |
Passes: | No Passes Required / Fee Free Area |
Information Center: | Cave Creek Ranger District (480)-595-3300 |
General Information
Directions:This site is 45 miles north of Carefree. From Carefree, take Cave Creek Road/Forest Road (FR) 24 for approximately 33 miles to the Bloody Basin-Tangle Creek area. At this junction of FR 24 and FR 269, turn right. Follow FR 269 for approximately 12 miles to the Sheep Bridge at the Verde River. Both FR 24 and FR 269 are narrow, unpaved roads with blind curves. A portion of FR 24 is maintained, but FR 269 is rarely maintained. A high-clearance vehicle is required. When muddy or rainy, four-wheel drive is often required, as well.
Dispersed Camping
No facilitiesRiver and Stream Fishing
River Access Point (Upper Verde R.)
Fish Species: Large and Smallmouth Bass; Crappie; Sunfish; Channel and Flathead Catfish
Boating - Non-Motorized
River Access Point (Upper Verde R)Swimming
Alerts & Warnings
- 03-12-00-25-02 Horton Fire Emergency Closure Order Revised
- Pine Canyon Restoration Project Area and Trails Temporary Closure Order
- 03-12-02-24-67 Globe Forest Road 287 Area Closure Order
- 03-12-01-24-66 Wildcat Post Fire Recovery Public Safety Closure
- 03-12-04-24-61_East Webber Geronimo Trails_Public Safety Closure
- 03-12-03-24-47_Boulder Fishing Pier Temporary Closure
- Equestrian Users Please Be Aware
- 03-12-06-24-27 Tonto Creek Crossing Road Closures
- 03-12-02-25-01 Pinto Valley Mine Blasting Closure
- 03-12-03-24-64 Bald Eagle Closure Box Bar Order
- 12-16-5R Roosevelt Lake Seasonal Wildlife Closure
- 03-12-01-24-62 Bartlett Lake Quarry Public Safety Closure
- 03-12-00-23-36 Target Type Restrictions Order
- Bald Eagle Seasonal Closures
- Occupancy and Use Restrictions
- Update on State Route 88 (Apache Trail) - August 18, 2021
- Redmond Fire Road Closure