Payson Ranger District

Area Status: Open

Globe Ranger District


The Payson Ranger District is located on all four side of the town of Payson, and continues north to the Mogollon Rim. It consists of approximately 450,000 acres (approximately 182,000 hectares) of Chaparral, Pinyon-Juniper, and Ponderosa Pine types of vegetation. The Verde River and several trout streams pass through this district. The Payson Ranger District is notable for its campgrounds, hiking trails, and fishing opportunities.

Contact Information:

Address: 1009 E. Highway 260, Payson, Arizona 85541
Phone: (928) 474-7900
Fax: (928) 474-7966

Recreation Map

Map showing recreational areas. Map Information


Mountain Biking

Areas for Mountain Biking at Payson Ranger District

Viewing Scenery

Interpretive Areas