Windy Saddle Trailhead

Cars parked at a forest trailhead with mountains in background

The Windy Saddle Trailhead is the main access point into the Hells Canyon Wilderness from Idaho. Located on the saddle going to Seven Devils basin or up to Heaven's Gate Lookout the area offers a great view of the Seven Devils mountain range and Hells Canyon area.

This site provides access to Seven Devils Trail #124 and Sheep Creek Trail #53 which enter Hells Canyon Wilderness.

Windy Saddle Horse Camp

At a Glance

Current Conditions: Current Conditions
Reservations: This site is not reservable.
Area Amenities:
  • Picnic tables: 4 tables
  • Tent camping: 4 campsites with tent pads
  • Parking: Parking for 10-15 cars; Due to limited turn arounds large vehicles and trailers are not recommended
  • Toilets: Accessible vault toilet
  • Accessible: Parking and vault toilet
Fees: Overnight campsites fees are $10/night for single family unit (tent or trailer sites). Self-service pay station on site. Day Use Fees are $5/car/day parking/day use. Please use self-service pay station on site.
Open Season: Late June
Usage: Medium
Restrictions: General rules of use and restrictions apply for this developed recreation site. Wilderness Regulations apply within Hells Canyon Wildernes. 
  • Motorized vehicles, bicycles, carts, hang glider and other mechanical equipment is prohibited in the Wilderness area.
Closest Towns: Riggins, Idaho (18 miles)
Water: No
Restroom: Vault Toilet
Operated By: Forest Service
Information Center: Riggins- Hells Canyon National Recreation Area

General Information


From Riggins, Idaho travel south on Highway 95 for 1.3 miles to Seven Devils Road (becomes Forest Road 517); Turn right on Seven Devils Road and go 17 miles to trailhead and horse camp road junction; Take a left at the road junction then turn right into the trailhead entrance.

ADVISORY: Forest Road 517 is very steep, and narrow. Low clearance vehicles, RVs and vehicles pulling trailers are not recommened or advised to use caution when traveling the upper sections of this road. The road can also be slippery when wet or frozen and is not recommended for trailers in the late fall and winter


Campground Camping

4 tent-only campsites with tables, tent pads and firerings.

Day Hiking



Related Information

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities


  Latitude : 

  Longitude : 

  Elevation : 
7600 feet