Old Cascade Crest Trail Area

The Cascade Crest Trail System is a remote, scenic and primitive system of linked trails providing access to the crest of the Old Cascades. Dubbed the “Pyramids Epic Loop” by mountain bikers, six trails make up this 28 mile loop with about 8,000 feet elevation gain. The loop includes North PyramidPyramidsSouth Pyramid CreekChimney PeakGordan Peak and Scar Mountain trails. This can make for a great weekend (or longer) backpack or a very challenging mountain bike ride.  

The loop also connects to the Crescent Mountain trail on the Southeast side of the loop. You can also do a 7.5 mile out-and-back on Swamp Peak Trail which intersects the loop on the West side. Note the Swamp Peak Trail crosses into the Middle Santiam Wilderness where bikes are not allowed.

Bring lots of water and plan on a full day (or days) to finish this challenging and remote loop. Be prepared – there can be snow on the trails well into summer. It is highly recommended you carry a map with you if navigating the loop. The USFS Sweet Home Ranger District map is available for purchase at the Ranger Station and on Avenza maps at https://www.avenzamaps.com/maps/793615

At a Glance

Closest Towns: Sweet Home, OR
Sisters, OR (40 miles)
Water: No potable water
Restroom: No
Information Center: Sweet Home Ranger District
4431 Highway 20
Sweet Home, OR 97386

Recreation Map

Map showing recreational areas. Map Information

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities



  Area/Length : 
28 miles

  Latitude : 

  Longitude : 