Harralson Trail #4364

This trail makes a slight easterly ascent, passing through Harralson Horse Camp on its way to junction with the Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail (PCNST). Portions of the trail east of Harralson Horse Camp were burned over during the 1996 Charlton Fire.

At a Glance

Current Conditions: This trail is in an area impacted by the Cedar Creek Fire. Before visiting areas affected by wildfire, make sure to review the 4 Steps for Safety for recreating in burned areas.
Usage: Medium
Water: None
Passes: A valid Recreation Pass is required at Harralson Trailhead and Horse Camp.
Information Center: Middle Fork Ranger Station

General Information


Access from:

General Notes:

Map of Harralson trailThis is mosquito country during the early part of the season. This is largely a horse access trail so give horses the right-of-way.

Close to:


Mountain Biking

Day Hiking

Difficulty Level: Easy

Horse Riding

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities


Featured Events


  Area/Length : 
2.4 miles

  Latitude : 

  Longitude : 

  Elevation : 
5500 feet - 5850 feet