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Southern National Interagency Hotshot Crew

Asheville IHC
National Forests in North Carolina
160 A Zillicoa Street
Asheville, NC 288010

Mike Honeycutt, Superintendent
(828) 257-4808 (Office)
(828) 778- 2078 (Cell)

Chris WitkusAssistant Superintendent
(828) 257-4818 (Office)
(828) 778- 2076 (Cell)

Nic Danckwart,Squad Boss
(828) 257-4809 (Office)

Luis Gutierrez, Squad Boss
(828) 257-4872 (Office)

(828) 257-4264 (Asheville Dispatch)
(828) 257-4804 (Fax)

Augusta IHC 
George Washington - Jefferson NFs 
North River Ranger District
401 Oakwood Drive
Harrisonburg, VA 22801

Ted Docev, Superintendent
(540) 290-0461 (Cell)

Douglas Savor, Captain
(540) 997-5167 (Office)
(540) 290-0338 (Cell)

Robbie Claytor Jr., Captain
(540) 997-5167(Office)
(540) 220-6594 (Cell)

(540) 997-5167 (Base)
(540) 432-0187 (District)
(540) 997-1458 (Fax)

Cherokee IHC 
Cherokee NF
Watauga Ranger District
4400 Unicoi Drive
Unicoi, TN 37692

Brandon Corbitt, Superintendent

Logan Ballesteros, Assistant Superintendent
(423) 743-5925  (Office)
(423) 457-9048  (Cell)

(423) 743-5925 (Base)
(423) 735-1500 (District)
(423) 743-3290 (Fax)

Jackson IHC 
Southwestern States Field Office - BLM
273 Market Street
Flowood, MS 392325

Darren O'Loughlin, Superintendent
(601) 919-4733 (Office)
(601) 559-0615 (Cell)

Jamie Schnick, Assistant Superintendent
(601) 919-4733  (Office)
(601) 331-2078  (Cell)