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Invasive Species as Ecological Threat: Is Restoration an Alternative to Fear-based Resource Management?

Informally Refereed


Invasive species is a hot topic in the USDA Forest Service these days. Along with wildfire, land conversion and unmanaged recreation, Chief Dale Bosworth has called invasive species one of the `Four Threats` needing the attention of Forest Service land managers and researchers (USDA Forest Service 2004). My unit of the Forest Service, the North Central Research Station, has responded to the call by focusing a portion of our research capacity on invasives. As a social scientist, I began looking for my niche in the issue by searching the literature for what had been done on the social aspects of invasive species.


Invasive species, ecological restoration, fear, resource management


Gobster, Paul H. 2005. Invasive Species as Ecological Threat: Is Restoration an Alternative to Fear-based Resource Management?. Ecological Restoration, Vol. 23, No. 4, 2005