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Go to USDA Home Page Go to Forest Service Home Page The US Forest Service

The U.S. Forest Service has been managing wildland
fire for more than 100 years. As the world’s premiere
firefighting agency, we provide critically needed
resources and expertise to protect at-risk communities.
From ‘boots on the ground’ to airtanker drops overhead,
Forest Service personnel are answering the call.

Coming off the Gladiator fire On the fire line On the little bear fire Single engine Air Tanker Taking a break in New Mexico

National Preparedness Level at 1

  • Smokejumpers must be capable of carrying 110
    pounds of cargo on their backs when they
    are packing out from a fire

  • Lightning strikes the earth over 100,000 times a day.
    Ten to 20 percent of these lightning strikes can cause fire.

  • More than 40 percent of the continental United States
    is in a moderate or severe stage of drought

  • Nationwide, more than 75,000 wildfires are reported
    each year. About four out of every five of them are
    caused by people.

  • Wildfires move at speeds of up to 14 miles per hour.

  • Very large wildland fires can generate hurricane force
    winds of up to 120 miles per hour.

  • A 'bambi bucket' is a collapsible bucket slung
    below a helicopter, used to dip water for
    fire suppression.

Behind the scenes
researching fire behavior