Shell Canyon - A Green Ribbon of Life

Photo of Bighorn mountainsA Riparian Oasis

Dictionaries define "oasis" as "a green area in a dry and arid region." In the basin west of the Bighorn Mountains, average precipitation is less than 10 inches of rain and snow annually, qualifying it as a desert. In this arid climate, Shell Creek stands out as a green ribbon of life, receiving 20-23 inches of precipitation annually.

Plants and animals thrive in these streamside zones, also called riparian areas. These green zones provide plenty of food and shelter right next to water - the basics for survival. Riparian areas are also transportation corridors or highways for animals that depend on water for food and shelter.

Photo of mule deer buckWater as an Ecosystem Service

Healthy forest ecosystems are ecological life-support systems. Forests provide a full suite of goods and services that are vital to human health and livelihood, natural assets we call ecosystem services. Learn more about ecosystem services.

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