
The Black Kettle and McClellan Creek National Grasslands and the Kiowa and Rita Blanca National Grasslands (often referred to as the Cibola Grasslands) have developed a new Grasslands Plan in 2012. This plan and other related documents can be accessed at the 2012 Cibola Grasslands site.

Forest Plan Revision for the Cibola National Forest’s Four Mountain Districts. The Cibola is one of eight "early adopter" forests who will be completing forest plan revision using the 2012 Planning Rule for the Magdalena, Mountainair, Sandia, and Mount Taylor Ranger Districts.

The Cibola's mountain districts will continue to be managed under the guidance of the 1985 Land and Resource Management Plan until the current forest plan revision effort for the mountain districts is completed. Information on the revision process, timelines, and other related information for can be accessed on the Forest Plan Revision site.


The Cibola's New Land Management Plan

Forest Supervisor Stephen Hattenbach signs the new land management plan

In July 2022, the Cibola released a new, long-term plan that provides direction for the management for the Cibola National Forest’s four mountain districts.

Learn More  News Release


Final Plan and EIS

Release of Final Plan and EIS

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The Objection Resolution Process

The Objection Resolution Process

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