Forest Plan Revision
The Forest Land and Resource Management Plan provides the underlying rules and guidelines for all work completed in the forest.
We are revising the Forest Land and Resource Management Plan (aka the Forest Plan). We invite you to work with us to develop a new plan that promotes a healthy, diverse, and productive Lincoln National Forest.
Public involvement is encouraged throughout the process through formal 'scoping' and 'comment' periods along with other avenues to be determined.
Where are we in the process?
Phase I: The Assessment (Complete)
- Final Assessment
- Draft Assessment
(After we recieved public comments, these documents were edited and became the Final Assessment. We are leaving them here so you can track the changes.)
Phase II: Forest Plan and Environmental Impact Statement (Underway)
- Need for Change Document (Final)
- Preliminary Draft Plan (Final)
Draft Forest Plan and Draft Environmental Impact Statement
The Draft Forest Plan and The Draft Environmental Impact Statement were open for public comment Aug 6 to Nov 5, 2021.
Overview of the Draft Forest Plan and Draft Environmental Impact Statement
Full Documents
- Draft Forest Plan
- Draft Environmental Impact Statement Vol 1.
- Draft Environmental Impact Statement Vol 2.