Wilderness Regulations and Best Practices
To ensure that the remarkable resources and values of Wilderness endure, special regulations apply.
Nationwide Wilderness Regulations:
- Motorized equipment and equipment used for mechanical transport are prohibited. This includes the use of motor vehicles, motorboats, motorized equipment, bicycles, hang gliders, wagons, carts, portage wheels, and the landing of aircraft including helicopters.
- Weed-free feed is required in all Pacific Northwest National Forests.
Umpqua National Forest Wilderness Regulations:
The following are prohibited in Umpqua National Forest Wilderness:
- Storing equipment, personal property or supplies.
- Camping or being within areas posted as closed for vegetation rehabilitation.
- Using a campsite or other area described in the order by more than the number of users allowed.
Maximum group size allowed varies by Wilderness and forest:
- Boulder Creek Wilderness maximum party size, including livestock, is 12.
- Mt. Thielsen Wilderness and Rogue-Umpqua Divide Wilderness maximum party size, including livestock, is 20. There is a maximum of 12 people and 8 stock or 12 head of livestock and 8 people per group.
- Use Mount Thielsen Wilderness within Fremont-Winema National Forest by a group of more than 6 people and 9 pack and saddle stock is prohibited, except on Maidu Lake Trail #1446. Use of Maidu Lake Trail #1446 is limited to a maximum of 12 people and 8 livestock or 12 livestock and 8 people per group.
Follow These Tips to Help Us Preserve Your Wilderness:
- Minimize human-caused fires by following all public-use restrictions and making sure your fire is dead out before abandoning it.
- Take a personal role in preserving this special place by practicing the Seven Principles of Leave No Trace. The Wilderness requires sustained commitment and careful stewardship by the Forest Service, visitors, and the public to insure its remarkable resources and values remain for future generations. Pack out all garbage, bury all human waste in a 6-8 inch hole, and only camp on durable surfaces.
- Protect native species and natural ecosystem functions. Prevent the introduction of invasive species. Check your clothing and equipment for weed seeds upon entering and exiting the Wilderness. Brush animals before and after backcountry trips. Avoid traveling through or camping in weed-infested areas.
- Minimize stock impacts. Select hardened trails to reduce damage. Rest animals 200 feet away from water and use established fords or collapsible buckets when watering them. Avoid tying stock to trees. Before leaving your campsite, scatter manure, remove excess feed, and fill in pawed areas.
- Keep pets under leash or voice command at all times. The Wilderness is home to many wild animals, including bears and cougars.