USDA Forest Service Directives

Forest Service Manual (FSM)
Directive Issuances

To assist users, the codes and captions for the Forest Service Manual (FSM) series, titles, and chapters are displayed beneath an index of documents. To view direction, click on the applicable index. Please be aware that some chapters, because of their length, may be organized into several documents. Additionally, interim directives (IDs) and some tables of contents and exhibits are separate documents.

Series 2000 - National Forest Resource Management

Zero Code

2100 - Environmental Management 2200 - Range Management 2300 - Recreation, Wilderness, and Related Resource Management 2400 - Timber Management 2500 - Watershed and Air Management 2600 - Wildlife, Fish, and Sensitive Plant Habitat Management 2700 - Special Uses Management 2800 - Minerals and Geology
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Last modified, Mar 17, 1999