Forest Service Manual (FSM)
Directive Issuances
To assist users, the codes and captions for the Forest Service Manual (FSM) series, titles, and chapters are displayed beneath an index of documents.
To view direction, click on the applicable index.
Please be aware that some chapters, because of their length, may be organized into several documents.
Additionally, interim directives (IDs) and some tables of contents and exhibits are separate documents.
Series 2000 - National Forest Resource Management
Zero Code
Index of documents
- 2020 - Ecosystem Restoration
- 2030 - Large Scale Event Recovery (LASER)
- 2060 - Ecosystem Classification, Interpretation, and Application
- 2070 - Vegetation Ecology
- 2080 - Noxious Weed Management (ID)
- 2090 - Handbooks
2100 - Environmental Management
Index of documents
- 2100 - Zero Code
- 2130 - Solid Waste Management
- 2150 - Pesticide-Use Management and Coordination
- 2160 - Hazardous Materials Management
- 2170 - Energy Management
2200 - Range Management
Index of documents
- 2200 - Zero Code
- 2210 - Range Management Planning
- 2230 - Grazing and Livestock Use Permit System
- 2240 - Range Improvements
- 2250 - Range Cooperation
- 2260 - Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros
- 2270 - Information Management and Reports
2300 - Recreation, Wilderness, and Related Resource Management
Index of documents
- 2300 - Zero Code
- 2310 - Planning and Data Management
- 2320 - Wilderness Management
- 2330 - Publicly Managed Recreation Opportunities
- 2340 - Privately Provided Recreation Opportunities
- 2350 - Trail, River, and Similar Recreation Opportunities
- 2360 - Heritage Program Management
- 2370 - Special Recreation Designations
- 2380 - Landscape Management
- 2390 - Interpretive Services
2400 - Timber Management
Index of documents
- 2400 - Zero Code
- 2410 - Timber Resource Management Planning
- 2420 - Timber Appraisal
- 2430 - Commercial Timber Sales
- 2440 - Designating, Cruising, Scaling, and Accountability
- 2450 - Timber Sale Contract Administration
- 2460 - Uses of Timber Other Than Commercial Timber Sales
- 2470 - Silvicultural Practices
- 2480 - Protection of Timber Sale Areas and Timberlands [Reserved]
- 2490 - Timber Management Information System
2500 - Watershed and Air Management
Index of documents
- 2500 - Zero Code
- 2510 - Watershed Planning
- 2520 - Watershed Protection and Management
- 2530 - Water Resource Management
- 2540 - Water Uses and Development
- 2550 - Soil Management
- 2580 - Air Resource Management
- 2590 - Weather Program
2600 - Wildlife, Fish, and Sensitive Plant Habitat Management
Index of documents
- 2600 - Zero Code
- 2610 - Cooperative Relations
- 2620 - Habitat Planning and Evaluation
- 2630 - Management of Wildlife and Fish Habitat
- 2640 - Stocking and Harvesting
- 2650 - Animal Damage Management
- 2670 - Threatened, Endangered and Sensitive Plants and Animals
2700 - Special Uses Management
Index of documents
- 2700 - Zero Code
- 2710 - Special-Use Authorizations
- 2720 - Special Uses Administration
- 2730 - Road and Trail Right-of-Way Grants
- 2750 - Leasing Forest Service Administrative Sites
- 2760 - Withdrawals
- 2770 - Federal Power Act Projects
- 2780 - Terms and Conditions
- 2790 - Special Uses Data System
2800 - Minerals and Geology
Index of documents
- 2800 - Zero Code
- 2810 - Mining Claims
- 2820 - Mineral Leases, Permits, and Licenses
- 2830 - Mineral Reservations and Outstanding Mineral Rights
- 2840 - Reclamation
- 2850 - Mineral Materials
- 2860 - Forest Service Authorized Prospecting and Minerals Collecting
- 2880 - Geologic Resources, Hazards, and Services
- 2890 - Certification
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Last modified, Mar 17, 1999