South Ridge Trail (3E08)

Area Status: Open

This moderate trail proceeds to Tahquitz Peak Lookout. From both the trail and peak are spectacular views of the Desert Divide, Strawberry Valley and beyond. Beginning at 6,450 feet, the elevation gain is 2,400 feet. Recommended for morning hours during the summer; the trail can be warm and dry during other parts of the day. Follow signs on Saunders Meadow Road leading to South Ridge Trail and Forest access road 5S11.

At a Glance

Current Conditions: The trail can be very dangerous when snow and ice conditions are present, especially on Chinquapin Ridge, between Pacific Crest Trail and Tahquitz Peak Fire Lookout. Visitors should take extreme caution and only go with proper gear (e.g. traction devices, ice axe, etc.) and experience/training using that gear. Trailhead may be unreachable during winter and spring months when South Ridge Road (5S11) is closed.  
Fees: None
Permit Info: Wilderness permits are required.  Obtain a free permit at the self serve kiosk, at the San Jacinto Ranger Station 24 hrs. 
Best Season: Spring and Fall
Busiest Season: Summer
  • Wilderness permits required for entry into the San Jacinto Wilderness
  • Group size is limited to 12 people.
  • No campfires allowed.  Portable gas stoves are allowed.
  • Camp on a durable surface at least 200 feet away from other people, trails, meadows, and water sources.
  • Dogs are prohibited in the State Park Wilderness, check your map for boundaries.
  • Pack out what you pack in and Leave No Trace!
Closest Towns: Idyllwild
Water: None
Restroom: None
Information Center:
San Jacinto Ranger District
54270 Pine Crest
P.O. Box 518
Idyllwild, CA 92549

Recreation Map

Map showing recreational areas. Map Information


Day Hiking

3.6 miles

Elevation desc 2,000 ft elevation gain
Difficulty Level: Moderate

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities


  Latitude : 

  Longitude : 

  Elevation : 
6446 - 8846