Draft Proposed Plan and Draft Environmental Impact Statement

The Draft Proposed Plan and Draft Environmental Impact Statement have been updated based on public comments. A Final Plan and a Final Environmental Impact Statement are available for review.

Carson NF has worked with our Government Working Group (cooperating agencies) and the public to develop a Draft Proposed Plan. The public has provided feedback on two preliminary versions which has been incorporated into this draft. A summary of the changes to the Draft Proposed Plan and alternatives that have been made to version 2 of the Preliminary Draft Proposed Plan (Dec 2017) is available hereThe Draft Proposed Plan includes components that apply to the entire forest (forest-wide), designated areas, and management areas. Plan components include desired conditions, objectives, standards, and guidelines.

In addition to the Draft Proposed Plan, detailed alternatives were developed including the no action alternative (continued management under the current 1986 plan). Alternatives represent a range of possible management options against which to evaluate the comparative merits of the proposal. Each alternative emphasizes specific land and resource uses and de-emphasizes other uses in response to significant issues identified by the assessment or raised by the public.

The Draft Environmental Impact Statement was prepared in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and other relevant Federal and State laws and regulations. This environmental impact statement discloses the indirect, and cumulative environmental and socio-economic impacts that would result from the proposed action and alternatives.

Draft Proposed Plan and Alternatives

View Management Areas by Alternative in Google Earth

Draft Environmental Impact Statement

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