Motor Vehicle Use Map (MVUMs)

Motor Vehicle Use Maps or MVUMs display routes open to motorized travel on the Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison National Forest. It is not a stand alone map and is best used in conjunction with a Forest Visitor Map or other topographic map. Please refer to Motorized Travel Rules for OHV use on the GMUG National Forest.

MVUM Maps for the GMUG National Forest

Geo- Referenced 
(More Information)

Grand Mesa MVUM - 2016


Uncompahgre National Forest MVUM - Plateau Division 2016


Uncompahgre National Forest MVUM - Mountain Division 2016


Paonia District MVUM - 2023


Gunnison District  MVUM  (North) - 2025


Gunnison District  MVUM  (South) - 2025


Gunnison District Seasonal Closures (Flattop Mountain/Almont Triangle)


Winter Recreation and Travel Information - Over Snow Travel Information and Restriction


The MVUM is a requirement of the Travel Management Final Rule and reflects travel management decisions on each forest.  Routes not shown on the MVUM are not open to public motor vehicle travel. Routes designated for motorized use may not always be signed on the ground but will be identified on the MVUM. It will be the public’s responsibility to reference the MVUM to determine designated routes for motor vehicle use.

More on MVUMs and Frequently Asked Questions

Do you need a OHV registration or permit in Colorado? Information on Colorado OHV registration or permits for operating vehicles, motorcycles or OHV's on designated OHV routes on public lands in Colorado.

Do you have Motor Vehicle Use Feedback?

We need your help!  If you discover errors on the Motor Vehicle Use Map, if you notice problems with road signs on the forest, or if you have any comments about Travel Management implementation on the GMUG National Forest generally, please share those with us.