USDA Forest Service Technical Information for Planning (TIPs)

Sources of Information for Assessing Timber

This page contains links referred to from Forest Service Handbook FSH 1909.12, Chapter 10 – The Assessment, Section 13.33. Direction for conducting an assessment for a plan, plan revision or plan amendment is contained in that handbook. This page contains links to additional information resources and will be updated periodically.


Forest Service information resources include:

  1. Forest inventory data.
  2. GIS data on forest cover type, forest health, fuels, or fire activity.
  3. Forest Management Forest Products reports.
  4. Watershed analyses or broad-scale assessments or data from the Watershed Condition Framework or Terrestrial Condition Framework.
  5. Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Act proposals or data.
  6. Forest health data such as insect and disease hazard maps.
  7. The assessment of ecological conditions as described in sections 12.1 through 12.15c.
  8. NRM, including Timber Information Manager for stewardship contracts and special forest product permits, special uses, grants and agreements, FS Veg, and FS Veg Spatial.
  9. Research station reports on topics such as historical and current forest condition, forest resistance and resilience, restoration priorities, inventory and requirements of local sawmills, or forest health conditions.

External information resources include:

  1. State or private reports on timber market and harvest trends on public or private lands near the plan area.
  2. Reports on restoration opportunity, capacity, or obstacles.
  3. State forestry reports or data on forest health.
  4. Data on mill capacity and balance of supply to mills from private and public lands.
  5. Relevant analysis or information offered for consideration by the public about forests or timber production.


USDA Forest Service
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1400 Independence Ave.
Mailstop: 1104
Washington, DC 20250-1104

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Last modified: Tuesday, 28-Sep-2021 13:33:19 CDT