Maps & Publications

Forest Visitor Maps

  • Free, Downloadable Maps

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    These maps overlay Forest Service assets, such as roads, trails, and campgrounds, on USGS's topographic maps. They are available for download by quadrangle.

  • Forest User's Maps

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    Digital Versions of the Colville National Forest Forest User's Maps can be found here.

  • Motor Vehicle Use Map

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    The Motor Vehicle Use Map shows National Forest System roads, trails, and areas that are designated as open to motor vehicle travel. These roads, trails and areas are designated by type of motor vehicle allowed and the allowable season of use.

  • Christmas Tree Permit Maps

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    Grab the saw, get a map, buy your permit, and bundle up! It’s time to perform the long-standing tradition of finding your Christmas tree on Colville National Forest.

  • Flight Restriction Map

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    Flight hazard map, not for navigation.

  • Geospatial Data Discovery

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    Explore data layers to learn more about hydrology, timber sales, recreation, and much more!

Buy Maps and Publications Online

National Forest Store:  Offers a full, nationwide selection of National Forest, Ranger District, Wilderness, and Specialty Maps for purchase online or by phone, fax, and mail. 

Discover Your Northwest: A nonprofit partner carrying a wide selection of maps, books, guides, and other interpretive products that highlight the Northwest’s natural and cultural history and support educational programs and services on public lands.  

Oregon and Washington  National Forest, Wilderness, and Special Area maps are also available directly from national forest offices.

Which Map Do I Need?  Consult this description of all Pacific Northwest Region Forest Service Maps to determine which map or maps will help you plan and complete a safe and enjoyable visit to a national forest.

Colville National Forest Digital Data​

The digital data is available online free of charge:

Many of these files are large, so please check the file size listed before downloading. All data files have been compressed with the WinZip utility. PC users can use a zip utility such as WinZip to unpack these (



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