Maps & Publications
The Kootenai National Forest offers a set of maps including Forest Visitor maps, Motor Vehicle Use Maps (MVUM), District Maps, wilderness maps and 7 1/2 minute quadrangle maps. These maps are available directly from the Kootenai National Forest's main offices or may be available online for viewing or purchase. The following information can help you find what you need.
Map Descriptions and Availability
The Forest Visitor Map depicts National Forest Lands, other Agency and Privately owned lands along with lakes, roads, trails and recreation sites such as campgrounds, fishing access sites, picnic areas, cabin and lookout rentals. Scale - 1/2" / mile.
Date of last printing:
Purchasing Options:
- Kootenai National Forest Offices - paper $9 / polyart (water and tear-resistant) $10
Combine this map with the Motor Vehicle Use Map (MVUM) for more complete travel information.
The MVUM display National Forest System routes including roads, trails and areas designated open to motorized use. If the route or area is not shown on the MVUM, the route or area is closed to motor vehicles.
Date of last printing:
- Hardcopies - 2019 (hardcopy maps have update notes with an applied sticker)
- Avenza Online - 2015 versions
- Kootenai National Forest Offices - FREE
- Avenza Map store for mobile device use with Avenza - FREE (2015 version)
- Online PDF (may be downloaded to you computer)
- Rexford and Fortine Ranger Districts Map [PDF, 9.8MB]
- Three Rivers Ranger District North Half of Map [PDF, 5.8MB]
- Three Rivers Ranger District South Half of Map [PDF, 2.9MB]
- Libby Ranger District North Half of Map [PDF, 8.7MB]
- Libby Ranger District South Half of Map [PDF, 4.8MB]
- Cabinet Ranger District Map [PDF, 9.8MB]
District Maps are printed with topographic lines at a scale of 1:100,000. They include National Forest ownership, along with mountain tops, streams, rivers, lakes and recreation facilities such as campgrounds, fishing access sites, picnic areas, and cabin or lookout rentals. Combine this map with the Motor Vehicle Use Map (MVUM) for more complete travel information. The four maps that are available include Cabinet, Libby, Rexford and Fortine, and Three Rivers District maps.
Date of last printing:
- Rexford and Fortine RD - 2017
- Three Rivers RD - 2011
- Libby RD - 2011
- Cabinet RD - 2016
The Cabinet Mountains Wilderness map is a 1"/mile contour map with lakes, trails, adjacent roads, and trailheads within the Wilderness area.
Date of last printing:
- 1992
Purchase Maps Online
National Forest maps (including the Kootenai National Forest) are available for purchase at the USGS online map store. Forest Servide maps are also available for online purchase at the Public Lands Interpretive Association store.
Interactive Visitor Map
The Forest Service Interactive Visitor Map provides the public with an online view of Forest Service roads, trails, recreation sites, wilderness areas, and wild & scenic rivers. You can view the map online or download the app for your mobile device.
Forest Service Base Maps
Forest Service Base Maps are standard map products generally produced to cover all lands administered by the Forest Service. The Geospatial Technology and Applications Center (GTAC) produces a variety of base maps at a range of scales.
National Forest System Land Ownership and Boundary Information
The Land Status and Encumbrance Map Service Viewer is an interactive web-based mapping tool designed to allow users to view the Forest Service Land Status Record (LSRS) data. The LSRS data published via this map service is considered to be the authoritative source for Forest Service ownership.
Avenza Maps
Kootenai Motor Vehicle Use Maps - MVUM (free) and Ranger District maps ($3.99) are available for use with Avenza. Get the Avenza app and then download from the Region 1 Avenza Maps store.
FSTopo (Quad) Maps
FSTopo is the Forest Service series of large scale topographic maps. FSTopo maps are 7.5 minute, 1:24,000-scale over the conterminous United States, and 15 minute X 20-22.5 minute, 1:63,360-scale over Alaska.
Fire History Map
Fire plays a natural role in the Kootenai National Forest and NW Montana ecosystem. Use our interactive map viewer to explore the wildland fire history for the Northern Region of the Forest Service
Brochures & Flyers
Please note the following list of brochures and flyers are not comprehensive of all available items. Forest offices generally have a full complement of available items in hardcopy format.